Old Habits Die Hard!
Ancient Egyptians used to brush their teeth with burnt eggshells, rock salts, dried iris flowers and mint crushed into a fine paste with a bit of water. Since then, toothpaste has become a commercialized product with questionable ingredients packaged in uncessary plastic. Many of them have been studied and although legally allowed in cosmetic products they do raise health concerns. We call the 7 sins of toothpaste. We believe in the superpowers of Mother Earth. It's time for change. At Natch we're embracing lessons of the past and creating a future that is #NaturallyDifferent.
Fluoride is a chemical that is commonly added to toothpaste to help prevent cavities. It has been the gold standard in caries prevention for generations. However, In recent years there’s been growing concerns over the health risks that fluoride can present, especially in children. Swallowing too much fluoride can cause permanent tooth discoloration, stomach problems, acute fluoride toxicity (i.e., poisoning) and other adverse health effects (1). That's why a warning label is required on all toothpaste sold containing fluoride in most countries.
Have you ever wondered how Natch came into existence? And why we chose to exclude fluoride as an ingredient? Here are the answers to all of your questions!
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS)
SLS is a chemical found in shampoo, laundry detergent, and in toothpaste. It has no cleaning power. Its main purpose is to help lather and create foam to help circulate the toothpaste. It can be very irritating to the skin and has been linked to oral ulcers or peeling of mouth tissue (2). This is also one reason why everything tastes so bitter after you’ve brushed your teeth.
This is a synthetic pesticide that’s often added to detergents, soaps, and personal care products like deodorants and toothpaste due to its antibacterial properties. Triclosan can increase a person’s risk of allergies, asthma, and other adverse illnesses(4). The European Union banned it in 2010 from products that come into contact with food and the FDA in the US banned it from soap and shampoo in 2016, but shockingly not from toothpaste.
Titanium dioxide (TiO2)
This inorganic compound is used in many foods as a colorant (E171) and is what gives toothpaste it’s pleasant bright, white color. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles are able to penetrate through your gums and accumulate in different parts of your body, which raises health concerns of possible long term adverse health effects such as gastrointestinalinflammation, DNA damage, and tumor promotion (8).
Artificial Sweeteners
Studies show that prolonged consumption may disrupt the balance of gut bacteria, and increase the risk of diabetes and other possible adverse health effects.
Synthetic Food Dyes
Food colors are a synthetic compound made from petroleum typically used as a colorant in processed foods, medications, and cosmetics including toothpaste. Ever wonder about that ocean blue (FD&C Blue1) hue in toothpaste? Safe to say, it’s not natural. Many dyes have been banned because of their adverse toxic effects on laboratory animals and also raised serious health concerns in humans(6).
Carrageenan is an extract from a red seaweed commonly known as Irish Moss and is commonly used as a thickening agent in food products and in toothpaste. Studies have shown it to be highly inflammatory and toxic to the digestive tract with claims that it may even be responsible for colitis, IBS, and rheumatoid arthritis too (7).
Your oral microbiome serves as the mouth's immune system, it can both strengthen and weaken the organism, and it has a direct impact on the body and gut microbiome.
Why is this so?
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