What is nHAp?
The main substance of our teeth is hydroxyapatite (97 % of our enamel and 70 % of the underlying dentin), a calcium phosphate compound. Nano Hydroxyapatite is a synthetic form of Hydroxyapatite developed in the 1970s by NASA to help restore teeth and bone density loss in astronauts that had been on zero gravity missions.
Dental Benefits of nHAp:
- Remineralization
- Protection against caries
- Relief from hypersensitivity
- Antibacterial properties
- Smoother enamel
- And more!
Ever wonder why your dentist says to stay away from sugar and carbonated drinks? These sugary foods and drinks produce acid in our mouths, overtime these acids can lead to the deterioration of the naturally occurring minerals leaving fissures and pits in our teeth. nHAp can remineralize the teeth by penetrating the enamel and filling in the places where the minerals have dissolved over time. By remineralizing the tooth with nanoparticles, the result is a smoother feeling on the surface of the tooth. Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Dentistry in 2011 concluded that nHAp was successful in filling in dentin tubules, leading to a significant reduction in dentin hypersensitivity.
nHAp prevents future caries by bonding with the proteins in plaque and bacteria so that they are expelled when you rinse your mouth preventing them from ever attaching to the surface of the tooth.

How is nHAp different from Fluoride?
Fluoride is an element supplied in the form of compounds such as sodium fluoride (NaF) or sodium monofluorophosphate (NaMFP). Fluoride works by enhancing calcium and phosphate levels on the enamel taken from the saliva and other sources. This creates a “barrier” on the tooth’s surface, making it more resistant to plaque and acid.
The downside to Fluoride is that it can be toxic in larger doses. In recent years there have been growing concerns over the health risks that fluoride can present, especially in children. Swallowing too much fluoride can cause permanent tooth discoloration, stomach problems, acute fluoride toxicity (i.e., poisoning), and potential adverse cognitive development. Large numbers of U.S. young people - up to 80 percent in some cities - now have dental fluorosis, the first visible sign of excessive fluoride exposure.
nHAp on the contrary is almost identical to the naturally occurring hydroxyapatite of our teeth. The nanoparticles of nHAp directly replace the lost minerals, restoring the surface of the tooth. With its binding properties, it facilitates the removal of plaque and oral bacterias during brushing. This is backed by the research published in the Indian Orthopedic Society Journal in 2016 which found that “Nano-HAp toothpaste (Aclaim and Apagard) with daily application will provide maximum protection against enamel demineralization in orthodontic patients when compared to fluoride toothpaste (Colgate Total)”
Being non-toxic and biocompatible means that nHAp can be ingested, making it safer for human consumption over other dental products. Studies have been conducted worldwide, including a number in Japan by the Sangi Co LTD that demonstrate its effectiveness and safety with children. The majority of results indicated not only is it safe for children but in some cases recommended.

The takeaway…
At Natch, we believe that it is important to make informed choices when it comes to your daily care products. Why choose a potentially toxic chemical when there is a non-toxic option that has been proven to be just as effective at protecting your teeth. No matter whether you choose Fluoride or nHAp to protect your teeth, both should be combined with proper oral care such as flossing, brushing twice a day or more, and regular dental checkups.